Your Excuses and Why They Suck: Loneliness

This series, we have talked at length about the excuses that so many make to avoid taking steps in their life that will benefit them, especially regarding health and wellness! The last reason that I have heard for people is that they want someone to take the step with them…loosely translated as wanting to do it with a friend or even have someone for accountability!

You see, you likely have MANY friends that would be HAPPY to do this with you! They ultimately want to see you happy, healthy and successful!

My bet is that your friends may be making some of the same excuses that you are! These excuses may be holding BOTH of you back!

Additionally, there are a multitude of fitness philosophies that are completed in a group setting! This means that you have the opportunity for ready-made friends by joining one of these communities! Read more about what you should look for in a fitness community here.

I get it, you are simply looking to not make a fool out of yourself….if you are there with a friend, then people are “looking at” two people instead of one…you don’t feel like the only idiot…

So, look for a community that makes you feel welcome! Look for one that teaches you what you need to know to be safe, effective and competent in what you do! Look for a group of people that has a common goal and wants to help you to get there too!

You see, loneliness is not a valid reason for you to want to live anything but your best! When people imagine their best selves, they usually don’t imagine themselves as anything but “fit” and they usually imagine themselves with other people who are like them!

So be the “fit” person that you see and take the next step in your health and fitness goals!

Are you worried that you will be the “idiot” in the room? Let us help you calm your fears! Let our coaches show you the steps to take to get your life back in order and help you to grow in ways that you never thought possible!

Click the button and schedule a FREE INTRODUCTION! You can bring a friend and TOGETHER, you can change your lives for the better!

Dr. Josh Boynton

PT, DPT, OCS- Owner and Founder

We Specialize In Helping Active People Return To Activity And Sport Quickly And Completely. We Want You To Be Better Than You Were, Because Where You Were, Got You Hurt!

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