Make More Time: Bookends

This series, we are talking about how you can make more time for yourself so that you can get to the gym to accomplish the goals you have for yourself.

Many times, our days are full and we feel that we have no time to do anything else.

Generally, this is not the case…our days are usually full of some things that are less than urgent and we feel that we cannot turn them down. In fact, if most of us had a camera on us during the day, we would be a little shocked at all of the “empty” space that we find in our lives!

However, one way that you can help yourself to achieve your fitness goals is to use the “bookends” of your day! This means that you use the time that no one else wants you to do something for you. This could mean that you utilize the early morning times or the late evening times to chase your goals and work on yourself.

There are very few people or commitments that are trying to grab your attention in the wee morning hours. There is no boss that is trying to get you to do more things for them at 5:00 in the morning…Using this time could be just the tactic that you need to allow yourself to get what you need for your own goals and health during the day.

Additionally, the same can be said for a late night workout…not many phone calls that need to be answered in the late evening…

While I would never encourage you to burn both ends of the candle during the day, a “shift” in your schedule could make all of the difference for you and your goals and allow you to get to the gym, even though you have never “had time” in the past.

For example, compare the two schedules…

6:30 Wake Up 5:15 Wake Up

7:30 Head to work/school 5:30 Workout

8:00 Begin work 6:30 Home/prepare for day/shower

5:00 Finish Work/head home 7:30 Head to work/school

5:30 Home/Home duties/Homework/Cook Dinner 8:00 Begin work

6:30 Eat dinner 5:00 Finish work/head home

7:30 Bath/shower/ready for next day 5:30 Home duties/Homework/Cook

8:30 Relax 6:30 Eat Dinner

9:30 Bed 7:30 Relax

10:00 Asleep 8:30 Bed

9:00 Asleep

You see, just shifting your day by 1 hour allows you to take care of yourself, but continue to keep up with all of the day’s activities. You still can have the same length of day, it is just shifted 1 hour earlier than it used to be!

These tactics are not always popular with people. It is difficult to wake up in the mornings or work out late at night…but the people who are doing the easy things are also likely not achieving the goals that they have set forth!

So, if you are the person that says that “I don’t have time” for fitness, a simple solution is here for you! Luckily, CFBA has early morning classes that are designed to get you in and out and ready for your day so that you can achieve your goals, as well as conquer your day!

If you are tired of making excuses for yourself and want to know how to begin, let the experts of CFBA help you to make the step that you need to for your success!

Click the button and schedule a FREE INTRODUCTION! We are here to help you solve the problems that limit you from your full potential and help you rise to live the life that you most dreamed of!

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Dr. Josh Boynton

PT, DPT, OCS- Owner and Founder

We Specialize In Helping Active People Return To Activity And Sport Quickly And Completely. We Want You To Be Better Than You Were, Because Where You Were, Got You Hurt!

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