Thank you….An open letter to BAMF members

There are so many things that I love about fitness! I love the changes that happen to bodies…to see someone go from weighing X to Y is amazing. Watching them wear smaller clothes and seeing the excitement on their face is always so rewarding!

I love seeing the changes that happen between the ears…Watching someone that was scared and timid to do simple things grow into someone who is confident in so many areas is astounding. I love seeing someone who has grown so much that they no longer allow the classic excuses to dictate their lives! They are no longer the person that “doesn’t have time” is “too tired” or doesn’t “have motivation”. They are the person that has better control of their life and FINDS A WAY to make themselves better!

But even more than that, I LOVE the community that we get to create inside and outside of our walls. I love that everyone is striving for something…whatever it may be…and that those around them get it. They get how hard it is and how hard they are working to get where they want to go! I love the encouragement that is constantly given to others in this community. People pulling for others to get one more rep, try it again, keep going….it is so humbling to get to be a part of!

Last week we had Bring a Friend week at BAMF. Our gym was PACKED with people! We had FUN classes that gave phenomenal effort! It was amazing to see!

When current members think that BAMF is worth bringing their friends and family to…I’m honored. No other words can encompass how I feel besides honored. Honored that they feel so strongly about this community that they want their friends and family to come experience it. Honored that they think of how this place has helped them, then bring their friends so they can see it too. I’m honored to get to lead this community and so thankful that others are reaching their goal with just a bit of guidance from the coaches at BAMF.

The trust that is placed in BAMF to be able to take care of these people that you care about is not lost on me! So thank you for trusting me and BAMF to care for these people in the best way possible for their health and fitness! I’m truly honored that you trust me to help you and the people you care about most!

I love you all and I can’t wait to see what you do next in your own journey!


Dr. Josh Boynton

PT, DPT, OCS- Owner and Founder

We Specialize In Helping Active People Return To Activity And Sport Quickly And Completely. We Want You To Be Better Than You Were, Because Where You Were, Got You Hurt!

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