How to Get “Fit Enough” to Start: Burpees

This series, we have been talking about the steps and movements that you can take to get “fit enough” before you go into a gym! While I have said it many times, I will say it again. There is no need for you to get “in shape” before you go into a gym! That is precisely the point of a gym!

However, some of you will still want to feel better before going into a gym, and we want to help you to feel that way!

Today we are talking about the dreaded burpee!

Now burpees have gotten a bad name for a long time! This movement has been made infamous by gym class teachers and football coaches over the year. Unfortunately, many people have a small form of PTSD due to authority figures (and even some gyms…) using them as a form of punishment for various missteps in life!

However, the burpee is a great movement and works your full body and your cardiovascular endurance at the same time! This movement uses many muscles in your shoulders, abdominals, back, hip flexors, hip extensors and hamstrings within the movement!

This movement can be very difficult for some that are just beginning, so there are many modifications out there. There are multiple videos that show modifications that are very common and can be helpful for you if you are struggling with them!

You can also do this movement while elevating the surface that your hands are on, like on a chair or a solid surface like a box or a mantle.

To start, see if you can do 5 burpees at the level that is right for you. They may be the step back burpees, or they may be the “full” burpees. Rest for 1 minute between sets and do 3 more sets, for a total of 4 sets. When this gets easier, consider doing 10 burpees in a set!

As you get more fit, this will seem much easier for you to do! At that point, it may be the right time to reach out to a gym like Backward Arrow Modern Fitness to let them guide you for how to get to the next step!

Are you at that point now? Are you ready to take the next step, but are not quite sure what to do? We want to help you to achieve your goals!

Click the button to schedule your FREE INTRODUCTION to let our coaches show you what you should be doing next to help you to achieve your goals! We LOVE to help our members to achieve their goals!

Dr. Josh Boynton

PT, DPT, OCS- Owner and Founder

We Specialize In Helping Active People Return To Activity And Sport Quickly And Completely. We Want You To Be Better Than You Were, Because Where You Were, Got You Hurt!

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